Fees & Terms

Mr Sherman's usual fee for a personal injury report is approximately £350 to £400 (plus VAT).  His fee for a medical negligence report on “Causation and Liability” is approximately £600 (plus VAT) and for a medical negligence “Condition and Prognosis” report approximately £350 (plus VAT).  For cases where there is an unusually large volume of notes or radiological investigations to review individual fees will be negotiated.

His average waiting time for an appointment in London is of the order of four to six weeks, and for an appointment in Hull approximately three months.  Providing all relevant documentation is available at that time of the appointment, and that encrypted discs come with appropriate passwords and are accessible using standard computer equipment, he can in most cases complete a report within approximately two weeks of the appointment.

Terms are payment on completion of the case unless otherwise agreed, up to a maximum of two and a half years.  Where special terms are negotiated his terms are payment at twelve months from completion of report.

Fees for appearance in Court are £1,200 per day or per part of a day (including preparatory work), with the full fee being payable if notification of cancellation of the need for attendance is received within 24 hours of the case, and half fee being payable if attendance at the case is cancelled within one week.  A registration fee of £100 is payable when a specific date for attendance at Court is agreed.